sponsorship LEVELS:
Grand Champion Level: $2,500.00
Name and logo listed on the sponsorship board, your logo in the entertainment guide (sent out to all residence in kandiyohi county), choice your event to sponsor, display your banner and your business mentioned at that event, invitation to the KCF Appreciation supper, six sets of (individual & parking) season passes to the fair, six event tickets to your sponsored event, a link to your business on our website.
Reserve Champion Level: $1,500.00
Name and logo listed on the sponsorship board, your logo in the entertainment guide (sent out to all residence in kandiyohi county), choice your event to sponsor, display your banner and your business mentioned at that event, invitation to the KCF Appreciation supper, four sets of (individual & parking) season passes to the fair, four event tickets to your sponsored event, a link to your business on our website.
Blue Ribbon Level: $1,000.00
Name and logo listed on the sponsorship board, your logo in the entertainment guide (sent out to all residence in kandiyohi county), choice your event to sponsor, display your banner and your business mentioned at that event, invitation to the KCF Appreciation supper, two sets of (individual & parking) season passes to the fair, two event tickets to your sponsored event, a link to your business on our website.
Fair Friend Level: $500.00
Name and logo listed on the sponsorship board, your logo in the entertainment guide (sent out to all residence in kandiyohi county), choice your event to sponsor, display your banner and your business mentioned at that event, invitation to the KCF Appreciation supper, Two sets of (individual & parking) season passes to the fair, two event tickets to your sponsored event, a link to your business on our website.
contributor level: up to $250.00
Name and logo listed on the sponsorship board
*send sponsorship donation to: Kandi Fair p.o. box 490, willmar, mn 56201
if you have any questions please contact: President: Chad lien (320-894-4615) or Secretary: Katie Thompson (320-235-0886/320-979-9219) or email: kandifair@hotmail.com