Vehicles, golf carts, 4-wheelers, gators and the like which are for the express use of the fair personnel during fair time (week) are only to be driven by County Fair personnel, board members, office staff, and volunteers designated to use such units. Underage member of board members, families, staff families are not permitted to operate theses units.
Motorized vehicles on the fairgrounds during the fair week will be limited only to golf carts, 4-wheelers, gators and the like which are in use by the Kandiyohi County Fair board and staff will be permitted during the fair week. All other private units which may be brought to or be driven to the grounds, will NOT BE permitted. Insurance coverage will NOT allow private units on the grounds.
Dogs and Pets: It shall be the policy, that during the period of the Kandiyohi County Fair, no dogs or other pets shall be allowed on the fair ground.
Exceptions being:
Certified service animals or secured animals in training.
Dogs or other pets may be allowed when part of an exhibition or demonstration authorized by the secretary.
Carnival owner/operators - dogs must be housed during fair hours.
Livestock producers wishing to avoid the hassle of loading out their animals after 9pm Saturday may leave their animals at the fairgrounds until Sunday morning. Fairgrounds security is provided Saturday evening.
Cattle Trailers: Exhibitors wishing to park their cattle trailers at the fairgrounds for the duration of the fair will need to purchase a special parking permit at a fee of $10.00. These trailers will be required to park in a specially marked area for cattle trailers. Special Notes on Entries
Protest Area:
The designated protest area will be on the cement pad by the wash rack area along the lake and west of the Sheep/Hog Barn.
Gang Policy:
The Kandiyohi County Fair Association recognizes that the presence of gangs, gang activity, and gang affiliations can cause a disruption of, or interfere with fair activities and fair safety. Gang activity, identifiers, or membership is contrary to the mission of the Kandiyohi County Fair.
Gang identifiers, which may change periodically, are signs, gestures, insignias, symbols, colors or combinations of colors, clothing, and wearing apparel or accessories which are intended to publicly demonstrate an affiliation of a student with a gang.
Examples of gang identifiers include, but are not limited to: gang colors, tattoos, bandannas,“do-rags,” sweatbands, gang clothing, jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, 5 or 6 pointed stars, arrows, pitchforks, crowns, identifying numbers (i.e. 5, 6, 13, 14, 7-4, XIII, XIV), groups of names, initials, acronyms, playboy bunny insignia, a single glove, a heart with: wings, horns, tail, or any combination thereof, drama or theater masks, praying hands, martini glass, top hat, cane dollar sign, gang expressions (i.e. “amor de rey,” “all is well,” “all is one,” “mi vida loca,” “my crazy life,” “vato loco,” “crazy one,” “Folks,” “People,” “BOS,” “MOB,” “Free Larry {Larry Hoover-founder of the Gangster Disciples}, etc.), notches in eyebrows. The administration may add to the list of identifiers at any time.
Any combination of clothing which, upon guidance from law enforcement agencies, commonly signifies gang identity, membership, or affiliation is prohibited.
Public may not wear, or display, any gang identifiers while on fair property, or at fair-sponsored activities.
Wearing pants below the waist line (sagging) is not allowed.
Belt buckles with any initials are prohibited.
Wearing an over-sized belt with one end hanging down is prohibited.
Gang related hats, baseball type caps, or other gang related head gear may not be worn, nor worn in a tilted or cocked position,on fair property or at fair-sponsored activities. An official fair cap (approved by the association) representing the current fair of residence may be worn.
NOTE: Gang members will wear the hat with the brim titled or cocked to one side showing affiliation to the tilted side.This may be done in the front or the back of the head. At times the brim may be straight forward or backwards but the entire hat may be tilted to one side. They also wear stocking caps in the same way, with an emblem or a patch as a replacement for the brim of a baseball cap. It is true that this has become a fashion trend, but it is important to remember that the trend came from the “Gang Culture” and still signifies affiliation with the gang culture as the kids want to appear “Gangster” looking.
The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), also known as a drone, for any purpose and by any person at any Kandiyohi County Fair (KCF) event. For purposes of this policy, an UAV is any aircraft without a human pilot aboard the device. This policy will also be used to assist the KCF in promoting safety, reducing injuries, and complying with federal, state, local laws, regulations, policies and the KCF, In addition, the KCF recognizes its responsibility to regard to the protection of the privacy rights of patrons as provided in federal law and state statutes.
Any use of an UAV must be pre-approved in writing by the KCF Board President or designee. The KCF Board President or designee shall refuse admission or entry to anyone attempting to use an unauthorized UAV; and if necessary, the President or designee shall remove anyone attempting to use an unauthorized UAV and/or confiscate the UAV. This applies to all KCF ground property. This also includes all buildings and grounds used and or KCF sponsored events and activities, instructional or otherwise.
A. KCF personnel shall refuse admission or entry to anyone attempting to use an unauthorized UAV.
B. KCF personnel will report UAV activity on KCF ground property to a KCF Board member.
C. When possible, KCF personnel shall confiscate an unauthorized UAV used on the KCF ground property.
A. Any person wishing to operate an UAV on KCF property, for any purposes, must seek permission form the KCF Board President or designee.
B. Requests for permission must be submitted in writing at least one week prior to the date of use.
C. The KCF Board President or designee, at his or her discretion, can grant exception to this policy so long as no federal or state laws, regulations or policies are violated.
D. If permission is granted, UAV’s must comply with and follow safety guidelines outlined in AC 91-57A, which include:
1. Fly at or below 400 feet and remain clear of surrounding obstacles.
2. Keep the aircraft within visual line of sight at all times.
3. Remain well clear of and do not interfere with manned aircraft operations.
4. Flying near people or stadiums is prohibited.
5. Flying an aircraft that weighs 55 lbs. or more is prohibited.
6. Being careless or reckless with the unmanned aircraft is prohibited – individuals could be fined for endangering people or other aircraft.
7. The UAV must be properly registered.
Legal references: Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations
Part 1, Definitions, Civil Aircraft, section 1.1
Part 21, Certification Procedures for Products and Parts
Part 21, Subpart H, Airworthiness Certificates, Experimental
Certificates, sections 21.191 and 21.193
Advisory Circulars
AC 00-1.1 A, Public Aircraft Operations
AC 91-57A – Model Aircraft Operating Standards
AC 21-12, Applications for US Airworthiness Certificate, FAA
Form 8130-6
AC 45-2D, Identification and Registration Markin
Kandiyohi County Fair Tobacco and Electronic Device Policy:
The Kandiyohi County Fair Board adopted a “County Fair Tobacco Policy” on July 11, 2011 and revised the policy on May 1, 2012. Prohibiting tobacco use serves to protect the health, safety and welfare of ALL fairgoers and animals at our county fair. Thank You for not using tobacco!
On June 1, 2015 the Kandiyohi County Fair Board revised the policy to also include prohibiting the use of Electronic Delivery Devices under the same guidelines as the “County Fair Tobacco Policy.”
Tobacco use (in any form i.e. cigarettes, chew, snus, pipes, cigars, etc.) is prohibited in all enclosed buildings, all entities which have a cover/top above them and within 20 feet of all entrances to these buildings and entities inside the grounds of the Kandiyohi County Fair during the four day fair. This is also the same for the use of electronic delivery device which shall mean any product containing or delivering nicotine, lobelia or ANY other substance intended (or not intended) for human consumption or that can be used by a person to simulate smoking through inhalation of vapor. Electronic delivery device shall include any component part of such a product; this includes the use of E-Cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or any and all other devices that are used for the purpose of inhalation.
Designated Tobacco and Electronic Device Free Areas include:
All enclosed buildings with walls and a roof and within 20 feet of the entrances.
All buildings which house animals/livestock and within 20 feet of the entrances.
All entities which have a cover or top over them (i.e. tents) and within 20 feet of the entrances.
Grandstand area and within 20 feet of the entrances.
An area where there is a large gathering of people and within 20 feet of the gathering.
Area’s where live events are occurring (Lumberjack show, pig races, etc.) and within 20 feet of the areas.
The Tobacco and Electronic Delivery Device Policy applies to all employees, volunteers, independent contractors and members of the general public while attending the Kandiyohi County Fair. The policy will be enforced by the Fair Board with the assistance of the Kandiyohi County Drug Free Communities (DFC) Coalition and the Students Working against Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (SWAT) Teams. Peer enforcement is also encouraged. Signs are posted throughout the fair to inform fair-goers of the tobacco and electronic device policy.
Any person found violating the policy will be asked to refrain from the use of the tobacco and/or electronic device or face immediate removal from the fair grounds and re-admittance will not be allowed that day.